Functions for 2023

In reply to Built-in functions


  • Array.prototype.toSpliced()
  • Array.prototype.toSorted()
  • Array.prototype.toReversed()
  • Array.prototype.with()

The above methods look like existing methods we've had for decades but with one key difference: they return new copies of arrays. This has various implications, especially if you're using a framework like React.

Previously, to avoid mutating an original, you'd first make a copy the array by using from(), slice(), or the spread operator. Now you can do it on the fly.

with() is a cool new trick that allows you to alter an item in an array at specific index while returning the entire array without mutating the original.

const fruits = ['🍐', '🍑', '🍒', '🍍', '🍇', '🍌']; 

  fruits.with(2, '🍉')
// ['🍐', '🍑', '🍉', '🍍', '🍇', '🍌']

Coming Soon: Object.groupBy()

The Object.groupBy() static method groups the elements of a given iterable according to the string values returned by a provided callback function. The returned object has separate properties for each group, containing arrays with the elements in the group.

Object.groupBy() - Javascript | MDN

Whatever you say, MDN technical writers! Basically, you can group an array without using a library like Lodash and without writing a complex reduce() function.

const sports = [
  { name: 'Rugby Union', contact: 'full' },
  { name: 'Tennis', contact: 'noncontact' },
  { name: 'American Football', contact: 'full' },
  { name: 'Wrestling', contact: 'full' },
  { name: 'AFL', contact: 'semi' },
  { name: 'Sailing', contact: 'noncontact' },

// using a reduce() function
  sports.reduce((groups, sport) => {
    if (groups[sport.contact] !== undefined) {
    } else {
      groups[sport.contact] = [sport];

    return groups;
  }, {})

// using the new Object.groupBy() method
  Object.groupBy(sports, (sport) => sport.contact)

// both functions return...
const output = {
  "full": [
    { "name": "Rugby Union", "contact": "full" },
    { "name": "American Football", "contact": "full" },
    { "name": "Wrestling", "contact": "full" }
  "noncontact": [
    { "name": "Tennis", "contact": "noncontact" },
    { "name": "Sailing", "contact": "noncontact" }
  "semi": [
    { "name": "AFL", "contact": "semi" }