
I found an awesome little package for dealing with updating old package.json.

It checks every dependency for its latest version and tells you what it will do if you tell it to go ahead and upgrade everything.

Why is this so awesome? The alternative is to manually check each dependancy and update the package.json yourself.

PS G:\thomchap.com.au> npx npm-check-updates
Checking G:\thomchap.com.au\package.json
[====================] 10/10 100%

 lodash            ^4.17.11  →  ^4.17.15 
 react              ^16.8.6  →   ^16.9.0 
 react-dom          ^16.8.6  →   ^16.9.0 
 react-markdown      ^4.0.8  →    ^4.1.0 
 react-moment        ^0.8.4  →    ^0.9.2 
 react-router-dom    ^4.3.1  →    ^5.0.1 
 react-scripts        2.0.5  →     3.1.1 
 three             ^0.102.1  →  ^0.107.0 

Run npx npm-check-updates -u to upgrade package.json